A One-sided Conversation.
Hey, it’s your motivation talking. We gotta talk about your blog. You know, the one entry with a cat picture posted from a year ago blog.
Listen to me.
Just get started.
Come on it’s not like anyone will read this early blog entry immediately.
Just put words on the page and post them.
No, you don’t need to clean the bathroom first.
Or the kitchen.
No, writing stories aren’t easier you just have momentum on those.
Fine, answer the call from your mother. Do not look up the video on YouTube she mentioned, though.
Yes, that was funny what she said about if she had a bladder but you don’t need to post that to twitter or Facebook right now.
I promise you will remember it to post it later.
Good for you, you made a note so you can keep working on the blog post. See that works great!
And now you’re trying to find music.
Oh, you already knew what you were gonna listen to, nevermind.
Nope that one’s great. You haven’t listened to it too much.
Yes, use that little forest app.
Do not read your manuscript. You made a note. You can fix that one part later.
It’s important but not a priority over getting your first blog entry out.
Because you keep skipping the blog entry goal and blazing through your other goals for months now. You promised you were going to move out of your comfort zone. This is one way.
Don’t erase that sentence. It’s fine. You can edit later.
It’s not a dumb idea. Tell Self-doubt to shut up.
I can’t, I can only talk to you.
You can do this!
You cannot call yourself an idiot. Not even ironically.
Snuggle the cat after you’re done. She can deal—no.
Fine, your typing all of this one handed while holding a cat.
You aren’t that thirsty.
If you get up you’ll disturb the cat, so you gotta stay there and type.
I totally used the cat against you. If you wanna complain, do it in your blog post.
No, people won’t think your crazy. No, you aren’t putting too much of yourself out there.
Stop looking at your word count. It only goes up when you type, not when you stare at the number.
I’m not being mean, you keep saying I ditch you or hide from you when you really need me so I’m just not going to leave you alone for a while.
No, I won’t make you too busy. I’m just your motivation I don’t tell you what to do only that you can do it.
Yes, Confidence does that too. They’re just a little seedling right now, though.
Don’t panic, they’ll grow. Seedling doesn’t mean dead and gone. You just gotta nurture them.
Well accomplishing the hard goals will help.
For you? A blog entry is too a hard goal.
No, you don’t. Finish your first entry and then figure out a schedule of posting. I’m not letting you overwhelm yourself again. Numbers do that, we both know it.
Oh yes, that is a good blog idea. Go make a note for later.
It’s not so bad once you get going.
You’re almost done.
Now you just need to edit and post the entry and you can go back to editing your manuscript for a while.
See, that wasn’t so hard.